Sophie's cast is off, but unfortunately it has been replaced by the bulkier, more annoying, more restrictive boots and bar. Kev and I don't recall the Dr. mentioning having to use the boots, let alone for two months full time, when we were talking about options...but what can you do. Last night we tried them on for the first time and they did not agree with Sophie one say she was irate would be an understatement. So we took them off, let her have a good nights sleep (9hrs. to be exact) and tried them again today. I am happy to say that they don't seem to bother her nearly as much as they did last night, so I guess I will be a good patient and comply with the Dr's. orders.
Ski day
3 years ago
That looks miserable. I guess it is worth it in the end. Can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks and to meet Sophie.
Oh that breaks my heart! This had better mean she does not have to have surgery later!
I Guess it is better to take care of it now that she is little. what a sweetie.
it's like head gear but worse!!! ahhh... i'm sure she'll thank you when she's older and can't remember a thing about it :)
That makes ME want to cry! Hope it goes well (for you it will probablly be the biggest challenge).
oh, how sad. Good thing it is during a time she won't remember. She will be so grateful when she is older and has perfect legs.
I cant wait for everything to be done so that she can be happy and free! At least it is early and she isn't moble yet!
What a patient little girl to have to wear that all the time. Someday you will have to show her what she went through. At least it is "only" two months.
Ok, I'm such a dork but I thought when you posted about Sophie's new hardware, I thought you got a new light sconce or something! It took me a minute to figure it out, but poor baby! At least you can do it now, before she learns how to take them off! Hope you had fun with your mom! I missed seeing you this trip!
So sad.
HI! Thanks for the comment on my blog. I just started a new one so I could have a public one ... I've always been private in the past. So, my mom has photos of me as a toddler or baby in the same kinds of shoes, but I don't even know what they're for ... I'll have to keep reading. :) Are you guys done in May?
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