Yup, we had our ultrasound today. Looks like another little girl for the McMinns! So excited for Ry to have a sister, to reuse all her clothes, and for Kev to have another daddy's girl. I couldn't help but think of what a precious and adorable girl we had the first time, so here is a flashback from two years of our more chubby and asian looking Ry. BTW, Is it bad I'm only half way there and I'm ready to be done with being pregnant?
Ski day
3 years ago
Congrats! That is so exciting. And no it is not bad that you want to be done. I was ready to throw in the towel after a few weeks into the first trimester... but we all know it is worth it in the end!
Congratulations!!! SO exciting. You make beautiful little girls. Hope you're doing wonderful!
That is so exciting! Hooray for girls. I love the picture of Ry. I just want to squish her cheeks.
Yay! I love little girls...
YAY! I guessed right. Girls are so fun. I truly think I could have a house full of them. Congrats!
That is so exciting!!! How fun!! Congrats!!! Ry is so cute and i'm sure this one will be just as beautiful!!
yay! i'm so excited for another little niece. can't wait to see you guys in a couple days!
I know it seems so slow to you, but I can't believe your half way through. Congrats on having another girl!! Girls are so special!
AWESOME! You seem so happy. Totally enjoy this time with them. I am so excited for you. Can't wait to have her here.
No, you are not lame for wanting to be done - I don't blame you one bit. Complain all you want!!!
Congrats Stef! At least you know you guys make beautiful girls, and it will be nice to reuse clothes. Can't wait to see if she's a mini Ry.
Congrats! How special that Ry will have a lil sis! I can totally relate to wanting to be done with being pregnant. I think it was harder the 2nd time (less of a novelty). It will all be worth it when you get to hold her and smell her and nibble her little cheeks!
Congrats, guys! That is an adorable pic of Rylee. I love having my girls together. (Most of the time - much drama at our house, but much fun, too!)
Pregnancy was no fun for me, either. I can definately relate with wanting to be done! Hang in there!
COngrats!!! I come from a family with 4 girls and it is a blast!!!
that's so exciting!! Congrats!
I haven't posted yet...but we just found out we're having a boy! I'm so excited. Anyways I'm really excited for you.
YAY!! Congrats! I'm glad you're having another girl! Two girls are the best, I'm not sure what I would do with a boy if I had one now. I'm excited for you and hopefully the rest of the pregnancy will cruise by!!
She is so cute. I am sure your next will be just as cute and hopefully just as chubby!
Congrats! that little baby picture of Ry is so so cute!
Sorry I was wrong! But after seeing Preston you are glad it's a girl!
Yea! Another little Ry Ry! I can't wait!
Thats great stef! Girls are just so much fun. We will have to get Ry and Reece together next time your here. Reece would love her!
How very exciting, and we are so thrilled for you guys. Congratulations!! Pregnancy is no walk in the park. :)
What!!!!! I am so sorry Steph I didn't even know that you were pregnant. I have not been really good about following blogs lately.
We just got back from Houston where we made an offer on a home. Yea! I am excited.
So good to hear that all is well. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your pregnancy!!
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